Member Support Fund

Member Support Fund

The LAI - Ely Chapter Member Support Fund is available to members who serve nonprofit organizations, public agencies, academic institutions, or those who in a professional employment transition to help offset the cost of attendance at chapter events and membership dues. The goal of the fund is to make Chapter activities more accessible and encourage attendance and engagement. In some instances, guests of members may also be eligible to receive these funds.

Who is Qualified to Apply:

  • Members who work for a nonprofit organization, public agency, or academic institution
  • Members who are in a professional employment transition
  • Members on behalf of a guest who works for a nonprofit organization, public agency, or academic institution

Use of Funds:

  • Funds may be used to cover or reduce the cost of tickets for luncheons for either members or guests who work for a nonprofit organization, public agency, or academic institution or those in a professional employment transition; regardless of the formula, the total ticket cost will be paid in full.
  • Funds may be used to cover or reduce the cost of tickets for the Member Initiation Banquet for members only; regardless of the formula, the total ticket cost will be paid in full.
  • Funds may be used to cover or reduce the cost of both International and Ely Chapter dues.

Amounts Available for Request

  • 50% or 100% of fees to attend a monthly luncheon for members or member guests.
  • 50% or 100% of fees to attend the Member Initiation Banquet for members only.
  • 25%, 50%, or 75% of International and Ely Chapter dues.

Application Requirements:

  • Members may apply annually for assistance with membership dues.
  • Members may apply one time in the Spring and one time in the Fall for assistance to attend upcoming luncheons. The purchase of a luncheon ticket may be used for a member or a member guest who serves a nonprofit organization, public agency, academic institution or is in a professional employment transition.
  • Members may apply by September 1 for assistance to attend the Member Initiation Banquet. This assistance is limited to members only, not guests.
  • Any single member may apply for all three types of assistance.

Fund Management:

During the pilot program (June 2023 – May 2024), the Board of Directors will oversee the management of the fund and the application process. Monies donated to the Chapter will be set aside specifically for the purpose of supporting members who apply for assistance to attend events or supplement dues payments. Applications will be held in the strictest confidence. Monies will be disbursed based on availability throughout the course of the year. Any funds remaining at the end of the fiscal year will be rolled over to the following year. At the conclusion of the pilot year, the Board of Directors will establish a Member Support Fund Committee to oversee management of the fund.

Member Application Consideration:

In an effort to serve as many people as possible, applicants are asked to contribute a portion of their own money to cover a percentage of the fees if they are able.

Link to application: [Application]