Tri-Council Development Fund Presents Community Wealth Building Forum

“Community Wealth Building In The Age Of Recovery”
Wednesday, September 2 – 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.

The LAI Ely Chapter is pleased to be a promotional partner for this exciting virtual program from the Tri-Council Development Fund.

Join an all-star panel of community wealth building experts for a solutions-oriented discussion as they take a deep dive into the strategies and actions communities can undertake to build a more inclusive, secure, and inspiring post-pandemic world.


The COVID-19 pandemic is a public health and economic crisis of unprecedented proportions for communities across the country. With millions out of work and resources drying up, communities face a Herculean task of recovery under the most difficult of circumstances. Meanwhile, historically underserved members of our communities risk slipping further and further behind.

Community wealth building offers strategies for moving forward. The community wealth building approach to economic development strengthens communities from within and from the ground up. When broadly embraced and effectively undertaken, it can help to address inequities and create more inclusive and resilient local economies where economic opportunity is available to all.

The crisis has provided an opening to rebuild our economies thoughtfully and inclusively, but the planning work must begin now to take advantage of this moment.


  • Joanna Trotter, Senior Director of Community Impact, The Chicago Community Trust
  • Jacky Grimshaw, Vice President, Governmental Affairs, Center for Neighborhood Technology
  • Rick Guzman, Executive Director, The Neighbor Project
  • Terri Haymaker*, Senior Vice President of Real Estate Solutions, IFF
  • Kathleen Mulligan, PHD, Co-Director, National Labor Leadership Institute, ILR Worker Institute


  • Zach Lowe*, Director of Planning & Programming, Tri-Council Development Fund


*LAI Ely Chapter Member