LAI-Ely Chapter Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan. The Board met in January 2016 for a strategic planning session lead by Katherine Davison of the Center for Governmental Studies at NIU. This is the first time in recent years that we have engaged in strategic planning for our chapter. We thank you for your participation in the member survey in December 2015 which helped greatly in identifying member concerns and the strengths of the Ely Chapter. Highlights of the document include:

Mission Statement:

Lambda Alpha-Ely is a forum for the advancement of land economics through ideation, education and collaboration.

Goals and Objectives:

  1. Ensure Financial Viability and Sustainability
  2. Provide High Level of Member Services
  3. Create and Maintain Member ValueFor each goal, we have identified specific objectives, responsible parties and a completion date.
  4. As you read through the document, we encourage you to give us your feedback and consider how you might be involved in the implementation of the Plan in the next few years.

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