BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210721T175000Z DTEND:20210721T192000Z DTSTAMP:20210601T191235Z URL: SUMMARY:July 2021 Virtual Noon Program DESCRIPTION:SAVE THE DATE\n\nJuly 21\, 2021 Virtual Program\n\nTopic: TBD\n \nSpeakers: TBD\nThe monthly program format will be Zoom Meetings to provi de more opportunity to see your fellow members and connect directly. Atten dees are invited to participate on-camera. Chat and Direct Message will al so be available throughout the event. We look forward to seeing you.\n11:5 0 a.m. - Login for Virtual Networking\n12:00 p.m. - Program\n1:00 p.m. - P ost-Event Virtual Networking\n1:20 p.m. - Event Ends\n\nAll member registr ants will be checked for paid 2021 LAI dues. If you would like to register for this event but have not paid 2021 dues\, please visit LAI’s website .\nThis is a terrific opportunity to BRING A GUEST so they can discover th e great value of LAI Ely Chapter membership. **Remember\, the chapter now requires prospective members to attend at least two LAI events\, including at least one Ely Chapter event\, to be eligible for nomination.\nPlease n ote that refunds are not available for cancellations.\n \; CATEGORIES:Events END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR